Show Results:
American Hairless Terrier Association UKC Show
4.6.2014 S1 1st Place, Best Female (1st major)
4.6.2014 S2 2nd Place Female
Hampton Roads Kennel Club UKC Show
5.2.2014 S1 1st Place, Best Female, Best of Winners, Best of Breed, Group (2nd major)
5.2.2014 S2 1st Place, Best Female, Best of Breed, Group 1 (3rd major)
5.3.2014 S1 1st Place, Best Female, Best of Wiiners (4th major/points)
5.3.2014 ***UKC Champion Title Earned (CH)***
5.4.2014 S1 1st Place Champion Class (1st Ch major)
Middle Georgia Kennel Club UKC Show
5.16.2014 S1 1st Place Champion Class (2nd Ch major)
5.17.2014 S2 Reserve Champion
North Alabama Kennel Club UKC Show
6.28.2014 S1 Reserve Champion
6.28.2014 S2 Reserve Champion
6.29.2014 S1 Reserve Champion
6.29.2014 S2 1st Place Champion Class (3rd Ch major)
Earthworkers Unlimited Inc UKC Show
8.22.2014 S1 1st Place Champion Class
8.22.2014 S2 1st Place Champion Class
8.23.2014 S1 1st Place Champion Class
8.23.2014 S2 1st Place Champion Class
8.24.2014 S1 1st Place Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1 (4th Ch major)
8.24.2014 S2 1st Place Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1 (5th Ch major)
8.24.2014 ***UKC Grand Champion Title Earned (GRCH)***
American Hairless Terrier Association UKC Show
9.26.2014 Earned 1st Qualifying leg towards United Weight Puller Title
9.27.2014 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 2
9.27.2014 Earned 2nd Qualifying leg towards United Weight Puller Title
9.27.2014 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
9.28.2014 Earned 3rd Qualifying leg towards United Weight Puller Title
9.28.2014 ***UKC United Weight Puller Title Earned (UWP)***
UKC National Americal Pit Bull Association Nationals – Charlotte, NC
10.11.2014 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCH
10.12.2014 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCH
AADRI Weight Pull Nationals – Morganton, NC
11.8.2014 1st Place, 60lb Females
11.8.2014 ***2014 AADRI National Weight Pull Champion Title Earned***
Hampton Roads Kennel Club UKC Show
12.5.2014 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCH
12.6.2014 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 2
12.6.2014 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCH
12.6.2014 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
12.7.2014 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCH
Hampton Roads Kennel Club UKC Show
2.13.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCH
2.14.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCH
2.15.2015 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
2.15.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCH
2.15.2015 S2 ***Reserve Best In Multibreed Show***
2.15.2015 S2 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
IABCA – Concord, North Carolina
2.21.2015 S1 2nd Place, V-1 Rating
2.21.2015 S2 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
2.22.2015 S1 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
2.22.2015 S2 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
2.22.2015 ***IABCA International Champion Title Earned (IntlCh)***
2.22.2015 ***IABCA Best In Show Rare Breed***
American Hairless Terrier Association Carolina Classic UKC Show
4.10.2015 1st Place Grand Champion, Best of Breed, Group 2
4.10.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCH
4.10.2015 **UKC United Weight Pull Champion Title Earned (UWPCH)**
4.10.2015 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
4.11.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPV / UWPO
4.12.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPV / UWPO
Great Smoky Mountain Dog Club UKC Show
4.18.2015 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
North Alabama Kennel Club UKC Show
4.25.2015 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
4.25.2015 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class
4.25.2015 S1 ***Reserve Best In Multibreed Show***
4.26.2015 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
4.26.2015 S2 ***Reserve Best In Multibreed Show***
Hampton Roads Kennel Club UKC Show
5.1.2015 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
5.2.2015 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 2
Middle Georgia Kennel Club UKC Show
5.15.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPV / UWPO
5.17.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPV / UWPO
Middle Georgia Kennel Club UKC Show
9.4.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPV / UWPO
9.5.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPV / UWPO
9.6.2015 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
9.6.2015 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
9.6.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPV / UWPO
9.6.2015 S2 ***Best In Multibreed Show***
9.7.2015 S2 1st Place Grand Champion, Best of Breed, Group 1
9.7.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPV / UWPO
9.7.2015 S2 ***Best In Multibreed Show***
American Hairless Terrier Association UKC Show
9.25.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPV/UWPO
9.25.2015 T1 4th Place and 1st Qualifying leg towards Rally Obedience Title
9.25.2015 ***UKC United Weight Pull Versatile Title Earned (UWPV)***
9.25.2015 **UKC United Weight Pull Outstanding Title Earned (UWPO)**
9.26.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCHX
9.26.2015 T1 2nd Qualifying leg towards Rally Obedience Title
9.26.2015 T2 3rd Qualifying leg towards Rally Obedience Title
9.26.2015 T2 ***UKC United Rally Obedience Title Earned (URO1)***
9.27.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCHX
9.27.2015 T1 2nd Place and Qualifying Rally leg
UKC National American Pit Bull Association Nationals
10.2.2015 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
10.2.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCHX
10.2.2015 1st Qualifying leg towards Coursing Aptitude Earned
10.2.2015 S1 ***Best In Multibreed Show***
10.2.2015 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
10.3.2015 S1 Grand Champion Award of Merit Earned (AOM)
10.3.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCHX
10.3.2015 T1 2nd Qualifying leg towards Coursing Aptitude Earned
10.3.2015 T2 3rd Qualifying leg towards Coursing Aptitude Earned
10.3.2015 T2 ***UKC Coursing Aptitude Title Earned (CA)***
10.3.2015 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
10.4.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCHX
AARDI Weight Pull Nationals – Morganton, North Carolina
11.8.2015 2nd Place 60lb Females
11.9.2015 2nd Place 60lb Females
Hampton Roads Kennel Club UKC Show
12.4.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCHX
12.5.2015 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 2
12.5.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCHX
12.5.2015 T1 Earned Qualifying leg towards Coursing Aptitude Excellent
12.5.2015 T2 Earned Qualifying leg towards Coursing Aptitude Excellent
12.5.2015 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
12.6.2015 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 3
12.6.2015 Earned Qualifying leg towards UWPCHX
12.6.2015 T1 Earned Qualifying leg towards Coursing Aptitude Excellent
12.6.2015 T2 Earned Qualifying leg towards Coursing Aptitude Excellent
12.6.2015 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
UKC Top Ten 2015
12.31.2015 Pistol Finishes #3 in UKC Top Ten APBTs in Country
Barn Hunt Association – King, North Carolina
3.5.2016 Qualifying leg for Rat Instinct
3.5.2016 ***Rat Instinct Title Earned (RATI)***
IABCA – Charlotte, North Carolina
3.19.2016 S1 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
3.19.2016 S2 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
3.19.2016 ***IABCA National Champion Title Earned (NatlCh)***
3.20.2016 S1 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
3.20.2016 S2 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
3.20.2016 ***IABCA Honors Champion Title Earned (HnrsCh)***
3.20.2016 ***Best In Show Gold Cup – Bronze***
American Hairless Terrier Association Carolina Classic UKC Show
4.8.2016 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
4.8.2016 S1 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UWPCHX
4.8.2016 S1 ***Best In Multibreed Show***
4.8.2016 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
4.9.2016 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 2
4.9.2016 S1 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UWPCHX
4.9.2016 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class. Best of Breed, Group 1
4.9.2016 S2 ***Best in Multibreed Show***
4.9.2016 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
4.10.2016 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 3
4.10.2016 S1 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UWPCHX
4.10.2016 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
4.10.2016 ***Earned United Weight Pull Champion Excellent Title (UWPCHX)***
UKC Hampton Roads Kennel Club, Courtland, VA
5.6.16 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 2
5.6.16 S1 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH
5.6.16 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class
5.6.16 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
5.7.16 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
5.7.16 S1 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH
5.7.16 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class
5.7.16 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
5.8.16 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
5.8.16 S1 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH
5.8.16 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 2
5.8.16 S1 ***Reserve Best In Multibreed Show***
5.8.16 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
UKC Premier 2016 - Kalamazoo, MI
6.16.16 Winner of the 2015 Top Ten Best of Breed
6.17.16 Earned Grand Champion Award of Merit
6.17.16 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards United Grand Champion Weight Puller
6.17.16 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards Coursing Aptitude Excellent
6.17.16 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards Coursing Aptitude Excellent
6.18.16 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed
6.18.16 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH
6.18.16 ***Premier Total Dog Award Earned***
6.19.16 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH
S.A.C.C.I. UKC Show
7.30.16 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed Group 1
7.30.16 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 2
7.30.16 S1 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH
7.30.16 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
7.31.16 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 4
7.31.16 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 2
7.31.16 S1 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH
7.31.16 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
NWDA Dog Days of Summer Weight Pull, Waynesville, NC
8.6.16 2nd Place 40-60lb Class and Earns WPT1 Title
8.7.16 2nd Place 40-60lb Class and Earns WPT2 Title
Hampton Roads Kennel Cub UKC Show, Courtland, VA
8.19.16 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
8.19.16 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 2
8.19.16 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH
8.19.16 S1 ***Reserve Best In Show***
8.19.16 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
8.20.16 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 4
8.20.16 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 4
8.20.16 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH
8.20.16 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
8.21.16 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 3
8.21.16 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 4
8.21.16 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH
8.21.16 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
I.A.B.C.A. 2016 Summer Eukanuba Sieger, Wilmington, OH
8.27.16 S1 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
8.27.16 S2 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 3
8.27.16 ***Honors Champion In Bronze Title Earned (HnrsCh-B)***
8.28.16 S1 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 2
8.28.16 S2 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 3
8.28.16 ***Honors Champion In Silver Title Earned (HnrsCh-S)***
UKC Middle Georgia Kennel Club - Perry, GA
9.4.16 UKC Spot-On Title Earned
9.4.16 ***Earned Canine Good Citizen Advance Title (CGCA)***
American Hairless Terrier Club UKC Show - Hickory, NC
10.7.16 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
10.7.16 S1 Earned Qualifying leg towards UGWPCH Title
10.7.16 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
10.8.16 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
10.8.16 S1 Earned Qualifying leg towards UGWPCH Title
10.8.16 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
10.9.16 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
10.9.16 S1 3rd Place Junior Handler Division
10.9.16 S2 2nd Place Junior Handler Division
2016 AADRI Weight Pull Nationals - Morganton, NC
11.12.16 1st Place 50-59lb Females
11.12.16 ***2016 AADRI National Weight Pull Champion Title Earned***
11.13.16 1st Place 50-59lb Females
UKC Hampton Roads Kennel Club Show, Courtland, VA
12.2.16 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
12.2.16 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 1
12.2.16 S1 1st Place 60lb Class, Earned Qualifying Leg towards UGWPCH
12.2.16 S2 ***Reserve Best In Show***
12.2.16 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
12.3.16 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 2
12.3.16 S1 1st Place 60lb Class, Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH
12.3.16 S2 *** Total Dog Award Earned***
12.4.16 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 2
12.4.16 S2 1st Place Grand Champion Class, Best of Breed, Group 2
12.4.16 S1 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH
12.4.16 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
UKC Top Ten 2016
12.31.16 Pistol finishes as the #1 APBT in the Country
UKC Middle Georgia Kennel Club - Perry, GA
2.17.17 S1 1st Place 60lb Class, Earned MWPP Division B (rails), Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH Title
2.17.17 S2 1st Place 60lb Class, Earned MWPP Division B (natural), Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH/UWPS Title
2.18.17 S1 3rd Place 60lb Class, Division B (rails), Qualifying Leg Towards UGWPCH Title
2.18.17 S2 3rd Place 60lb Class, Division B (wheels), Qualifying Leg Towards UEWPCHTitle
2.18.17 ***Earned United Grand Champion Weight Puller Champion Title (UGWPCH)***
2.19.17 S1 1st Place 60lb Class, Earned MWPP Division B (rails), Qualifying Leg Towards UEWPCH
2.19.17 S2 1st Place 60lb Class, Earned MWPP Division B (natural), Qualifying Leg Towards UEWPCH/UWPS
2.19.17. ***Earned Advanced Puller Title (AP)***
2.19.17. ***Earned Versatile Puller Novice Title (VPN)***
IABCA 2017 Carolina Sieger – Charlotte, NC
3.18.17 S1 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 2
3.18.17 S2 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
3.19.17 S1 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 2
3.19.17 S2 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
3.19.17 ***Gold Cup Best In Show Gold***
3.19.17 ***Best In Show Rare Breed***
3.19.17 ***Honors Champion In Gold Title Earned***
ABKC - Spartanburg, SC
4.1.17 S1 1st Place Female (3yrs & Up), Best Female (no comp)
4.1.17 S2 1st Place Female (3yrs & Up), Best Female (no comp)
4.1.17 S3 1st Place Female (3yrs & Up), Best Female, Best Overall (w/comp) – 1st Major & Championship points
4.1.17 S3 ***Best Of Breed***
4.1.17 S4 1st Place Female (3yrs & Up), Best Female (no comp)
4.2.17 S1 1st Place Female (3yrs & Up), Best Female, Best Overall (w/comp) – 2nd Major & Championship poin
4.2.17 S1 ***Best of Breed towards Top Ten Placement***
4.2.17 S2 1st Place Female (3yrs & Up), Best Female, Best Overall (w/comp) – 3rd Major & Championship points
UKC Carolina Classics, Hickory, NC
4.8.17 S1 1st Place Grand Champion Class
4.8.17 S1 1st Place 60lb Class, Division B (rails), Qualifying Leg towards UEWPCH & VPA Title
4.8.17 S2 1st Place 60lb Class, Division B (rails), Qualifying Leg towards UEWPCH & VPA Title
4.8.17 S1 ***Total Dog Award Earned***
4.9.17 S1 1st Place 60lb Class, Division B (rails), Qualifying Leg towards UEWPCH & VPA Title
4.9.17 S2 1st Place 60lb Class, Division B (rails), Qualifying Leg towards UEWPCH & VPA Title
4.9.17 S1 ***Versatile Puller Advanced Title Earned (VPA)***
W3PO 2017 Spring Fling – Saint Michael, PA
4.22.17 P1 1st Place 60lb Class, Earned 1st Leg Towards Weight Pull Dog Superior Title
4.22.17 P2 1st Place 60lb Class, Earned 2nd Leg Towards Weight Pull Dog Superior Title
4.22.17 P2 ***Earned Most Weight Pulled (MWP)***
4.22.17 P2 ***Earned Most Weight Pulled Per Pound (MWPP)***
4.23.17 P1 1st Place 60lb Class, Earned 3rd Leg Towards Weight Pull Dog Superior Title
4.23.17 P2 1st Place 60lb Class, Earned Points Towards Champion Weight Pull Dog Title
4.23.17 P2 ***Weight Pull Dog Superior Title Earned (WPDSW)***
Middle Georgia Kennel Club UKC Show – Perry, GA
5.19.17 S1 1st Place 60lb Class, Division B (Rails), Qualifying Leg Towards UEWPCH/AP2 Titles
5.19.17 S2 1st Place 60lb Class, Earned MWPP Division B (Natural), Qualifying Leg Towards UEWPCH/UWPS/VPE/AP2 Titles
5.20.17 S1 1st Place 60lb Class, Earned MWPP Division B (Rails), Qualifying Leg Towards UEWPCH/AP2 Titles
5.20.17 S2 1st Place 60lb Class, Division B (Wheels), Qualifying Leg Towards UEWPCH/AP2 Titles
5.21.17 S1 1st Place 60lb Class, Earned MWPP Division B (Rails), Qualifying Leg Towards UEWPCH/AP2 Titles
5.21.17 S2 1st Place 60lb Class, Division B (Natural), Qualifying Leg Towards UEWPCH/UWPS/VPE/AP3 Titles
5.21.17 S1 ***Advanced Puller 2 Title Earned (AP2)***
UKC Premier 2017 - Kalamazoo, MI
6.15.17 T1 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards Coursing Aptitude Excellent Title
6.15.17 T2 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards Coursing Aptitude Excellent Title
6.15.17 P1 2nd Place 60lb Class Division B (wheels), Qualifying Pull Towards UEWPCH & AP3 Titles
6.16.17 T1 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards Coursing Aptitude Excellent Title
6.16.17 T2 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards Coursing Aptitude Excellent Title
6.16.17 P1 2nd Place 60lb Class Division B (wheels), Qualifying Pull Towards UEWPCH & AP3 Titles
6.17.17 T1 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards Coursing Aptitude Excellent Title
6.17.17 T2 Earned Qualifying Leg Towards Coursing Aptitude Excellent Title
6.17.17 P1 Earned Qualifying Pull Towards UEWPCH & AP3 Titles
6.18.17 P1 Earned Qualifying Pull Towards UEWPCH & AP3 Titles
Carolina Canine Pet and Performance – C-WAGS Rally & Obedience Trials
7.29.17 T1 2nd Place and First Qualifying Leg Towards CW-Ob1 (Obedience Title)
7.29.17 T1 First Qualifying Leg Towards CW-SR (Rally Title)
7.29.17 T2 Second Qualifying Leg Towards CW-SR
7.30.17 T1 1st Place and Second Qualifying Leg Towards CW-Ob1
7.30.17 T1 First Qualifying Leg Towards CW-ZR1 (Rally Title)
7.30.17 T2 Second Qualifying Leg Towards CW-ZR1
Carolina Canine Pet and Performance Club – C-WAGS Rally and Obedience Trials
10.7.17 T1 1st Place and 3rd Qualifying Leg Towards CW-Ob1 Title (93.5)
10.7.17 T1 3rd Qualifying Leg Towards CW-RL1 Title (98)
10.7.17 T2 4th Qualifying Leg Towards CW-RL-1 Title (92)
10.7.17 ***C-WAGS Rally 1 Title Earned (CW-RL1)***
10.8.17 T1 4th Place and 4th Qualifying Leg Towards CW-Ob1 Title (96)
10.8.17 T1 3rd Qualifying Leg Towards CW-RZ1 Title (94)
10.8.17 T2 4th Place and 4th Qualifying Leg Towards CW-RZ1 Title (100)
10.8.17 ***C-WAGS Obedience 1 Title Earned (CW-Ob1)***
10.8.17 ***C-WAGS Rally Zoom 1 Title Earned (CW-RZ-1)***
ADBA Weight Pull - Waynesville, NC
10.14.17. 1st Place, 60lb Class (Females)
Carolina Canine Pet and Performance Club - WCRL Rally and Obedience Trials
10.21.17. 2nd Place, 1st Qualifying Leg Towards RL-1 Title (200)
10.21.17. 3rd Place, 2nd Qualifying Leg Towards RL-1 Title (187)
10.22.17. 2nd Place, 3rd Qualifying Leg Towards RL-1 Title (195)
10.22.17. Qualifying Leg Towards RL-1X Title (199)
10.22.17. ***Earned Rally Level 1 Title (RL-1)***
Carolina Canine Pet & Performance Club – UKC Rally Obedience Trials
1.27.18 T1 3rd Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 1 Allstars (95)
1.27.18 T1 1st Place and 1st Qualifying Leg Towards Rally 2 Title (86)
1.27.18 T2 4th Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 1 Allstars (95)
1.27.18 T2 1st Place and 2nd Qualifying Leg Towards Rally 2 Title (89)
1.28.18 T1 Qualifying Leg in Rally 1
1.28.18 T1 2nd Place and 3rd Qualifying Leg Towards Rally 2 Title (96)
1.28.18 ***Earned United Rally Obedience 2 Title (URO2)***
NWDA Working Dog Trials
2.16.18 Working Temperament Evaluation Passed (WTE)
Carolina Canine Pet and Performance - UKC Rally Obedience Trials
6.16.18 T1 4th Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 1 Allstars (97)
6.16.18 T1 2nd Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 2 Allstars (98)
6.16.18 T2 2nd Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 1 Allstars (97)
6.16.18 T2 1st Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 2 Allstars (96)
6.17.18 T1 3rd Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 1 Allstars (98)
6.17.18 T1 2nd Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 2 Allstars (95)
6.17.18 T2 1st Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 1 Allstars (98)
6.17.18 T2 3rd Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 2 Allstars (94)
2018 IABCA Tar Heel Autumn Sieger – King, North Carolina
10.27.18 S1 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
10.27.18 S1 Best In Multibreed Show
10.27.18 S2 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
10.27.18 S2 Best In Multibreed Show
10.28.18 S3 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
10.28.18 S3 Best In Show Gold Cup
10.28.18 S3 Best In Show Rare Breed Adult
10.28.18 S3 Best In Multibreed Show
10.28.18 S3 ***IABCA World Beauty Championship Title Earned (WBC)***
10.28.18 S4 1st Place, V-1 Rating, Best of Breed, Group 1
10.28.18 S4 Best In Multibreed Show
10.28.18 S4 Tar Heel Autumn Grand Sieger Winner (Best of the Best)
Carolina Canine Pet & Performance Club – UKC Rally Obedience Trials
1.26.19 T1 1st Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 1 Allstars (97)
1.26.19 T1 1st Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 2 Allstars (99)
1.26.19 T2 1st Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 1 Allstars (99)
1.26.19 T2 1st Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 2 Allstars (100)
1.26.19 T2 1st Place and First Qualifying Leg towards Rally 3 Title (97)
1.26.19 T2 ***Earned High In Trial for Trial 2***
1.27.19 T1 1st Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 1 Allstars (99)
1.27.19 T1 3rd Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally2 Allstars (93)
1.27.19 T1 1st Place and Second Qualifying Leg towards Rally 3 Title (98)
1.27.19 T2 4th Place and Qualifying Leg Rally 1
1.27.19 T2 4th Place and Qualifying Leg for Rally 2 Allstars (95)
WBC, IntlCh/NatCh, AP2, VPA, URO2, UWPO, CA, UGWPCH, GRCH ‘PR’ Topline Soho Hell On Heels, SPOT-ON, CGCA, RATI, WPT2, WPDSW, CW-Ob1, CW-RL1, CW-RZ1, WCRL-1, WTE